Look through some of our diverse mix of clients…
Web Development
Your website is an extension of your business, another storefront, or at least a media facing. Some of our sites are commerce sites, some are about getting or keeping customers, or patients.
For the New Milford Medical Group, we created a new site, fully responsive, which includes microtags for google, uses tag manager to track events on the site, has a manage area where the practice can update events and featured stories, includes all original photography, and uses php date/time to continually update their visible calendar of events with daily, weekly, and monthly happenings. The back-end of the site serves content, but also tracks user responses to satisfaction surveys. The contact form aligns with the businesses internal structure to route non-critical emails to the correct person, or pushes the visitor to the patient portal.
For an oil company in Connecticut, we created a service invoice app. The technician logs in, selects his job, and completes a full, online workup of the client's needs, including parts and labor, calculates for the state tax, and records test results. The technician can add a video directly into the database record, and once complete, the app generates a pdf of the complete invoice which is sent to the customer, recorded in the customer's record, and stored online. The program also closes out the record in the scheduling calendar. The structure also accomodates installations of new boilers, water heaters, or air conditioning units.

The application that we created for Interstate Security in Florida manages access to their gated communities. It includes three separate faces to the database content, allows the gate house to see and admit guests to a residence, stores the entry information locally and updates the secure master database every half hour, gracefully accommodating losses of connectivity and updating when the connection allows. The program prints bar-coded passes which can be scanned for readmission, and tracks both permanent and temporary guests.
The program now uses a TWILIO programming solution to permit residents to pre-approve guests from their phones and email a pass to a visitor, allows extended passes (up to 90 days) for guests, sub-lets, or health workers, and prints the expiration date and time reversed out on the pass - which involves custom generating a date and time graphic for each pass!
We also created an actual app for Android and Apple that lets the resident to pre-approve a guest and to update their information on their phone or other device. The data that allows them access is updated every ninety minutes in a cron job that culls names and phone numbers of over 40k residents and regenerates the tables. Access to the data can be controlled both based on the resident (owner or renter), and on the site. Each site can determine the amount of control they want to cede to non-management.
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Data Base Work
The database is at the heart of the web experience. It allows custom content to be shown, special access to be granted, and much more.
Massive amounts of data
ISSC currently supports 15 communities with an average of 200 residents per community. The entry log table, which concatenates the traffic from all the communities has well over 1.5 million records, and the permanent guest list for the communities totals over 35,000. Each community has a local installation of the application, and it synchronizes every 20 minutes with the master database. If for some reason it cannot connect, it continues to ping the server until it can send its data to the main system. On each connection, it also downloads any changes to the community, thus minimizing the number of site visits that the staff have to make.
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Interactive Content
The New Milford Historical Society databases store over 80,000 records about the separate elements in the Society collection, and a separate set of tables store the genealogical records and the accompanying photos and text files
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Online Reservations
The New Milford Historical Society uses our software to take reservations for tours, and even to take advance payment via PayPal
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Member Content
The New Milford Historical Society has a secure area accessible to members only where special content is available, including online games, and the ability to update and renew membership info
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